Data visualization

Data can be enormously valuable if used and deployed in the right way. Data visualization is an important part of that value. For example, the right way of visualizing data allows for faster decision-making, a shorter time to market and control over value drivers. For years, we have specialized in developing, building and maintaining powerful Power BI reports & dashboards.


Our experts know the do's & dont's of data visualization and help you tell the story behind the data. Microsoft's Power BI is increasingly cited as the tool to present your data in the most powerful way possible. But where do you start? How do you unlock a data source and transform charts into a good, actionable, dashboard?

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What is data visualization?

Data visualization is the process of transforming data into visual context, such as graphs, charts, maps and dashboards, to reveal patterns, trends and insights. The goal of data visualization is to make complex data understandable and accessible so that decision makers can make informed choices quickly and effectively.

By visualizing data, organizations can more easily identify trends, see correlations and identify any anomalies. This helps not only in interpreting data, but also in communicating findings to stakeholders who may be less familiar with complex data analysis. Modern data visualization tools, such as Power BI, offer powerful features for creating interactive and dynamic visualizations that enable users to gain deeper insights and present their analyses in an intuitive way.

How can you apply data visualization?

The possibilities for visualizing data are endless. Visualization can be applied in many different ways to make data insightful and support decision making. We describe some applications as examples:

  • Dashboards for real-time monitoring: Dashboards are a powerful tool for continuous monitoring of key business data. They provide an overview of critical performance indicators (KPIs) and allow trends and deviations to be recognized and actioned immediately.
  • Data analysis and reporting: Presenting data visually makes it easier to perform deep analysis and create detailed reports. Visualizations such as bar graphs, line graphs and scatter diagrams help interpret complex data sets and identify patterns.
  • Decision-making and strategy development: Visualizations support the strategic decision-making process by providing insight into business results and market trends.
  • Communications and presentations: Visualizations are effective for communicating data to stakeholders who may not be familiar with data analysis. They make it possible to present findings in an understandable and compelling way.
  • Operational efficiency: In operational environments, data visualization can help optimize processes and improve efficiency. For example, production dashboards can display real-time data about the production line, allowing operators to quickly identify and resolve problems.
  • Customer insight and marketing: Visualizations can help better understand customer behavior and market trends. By visually displaying data such as demographics, purchase history and online behavior, marketers can develop targeted campaigns and improve customer relationships.

As described, the applications and possibilities are endless. We are therefore convinced that we can add great value for your organization with data visualization. So that data and insights become faster and more accessible, so that it is practically applicable and leads to better, data-driven decisions.

Our approach and support: in three steps to data visualization

In three steps, we prepare organizations to reap the benefits of powerful data visualization themselves, using Power BI. In one week we deliver three reports based on your data. Reports that you can use immediately. At the same time, we train your people to be real 'self-service' Power BI-ers and give them the knowledge to develop dashboards themselves. 

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Demonstrating how to do it

Want to use your data to gain insights, optimize processes and drive innovation?

Every step in the optimal utilization of corporate data begins with a clear strategy policy on Information Assurance.

This requires a clear data management strategy that matches your business objectives and ensures data quality, data security and availability both inside and outside the organization. Of course with the right access rights.

Do it together

In the next step, we pick up where we left off. Under the guidance of our Power BI experts, together we develop dashboards with which we add value to your business together.

The first resource has been unlocked, the first reports have been realized, and your people's knowledge is now at a level where they can work independently to develop dashboards.

Do it yourself

The first reports are in place, now it's time to get to work yourself.

The promise that Power BI makes when it comes to data visualization, is that you develop a high degree of independence in creating reports and dashboards.

Selfservice BI thus. Of course, we are ready to assist, if needed.

Discover opportunities for your organization
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