Change management consultancy

In a time of constant change, it is crucial that employees are able to adapt smoothly. Whether it's technological innovations, organizational restructuring or fostering a new culture. Successful change management requires a thoughtful approach. We understand that every change is unique and that solid change guidance is essential to achieving the desired results. With change management consultancy, we support your organization in every phase of the change process, from strategy development to implementation and aftercare.


What does change management consulting entail?

Change management consulting is a specialized service that focuses on guiding organizations through change. It involves more than just implementing new processes or systems. It involves a holistic approach that includes both the technical and human side of change. Our consultants work closely with your organization to develop a customized change management plan tailored to your specific goals and challenges. We ensure employees are engaged, understand what is expected of them, and guide them through the process. 

Change management and adoption often forgotten

In practice, we often see companies make significant investments in new ideas, technologies or solutions with the expectation that they will automatically lead to success. What is often overlooked, however, is the importance of guiding employees through the change and adoption of these new tools. You can have the best technology or solution in hand, but if employees are not properly supported to use it effectively, its full potential will not be realized.  

This not only leads to a lower return on your investments, but also to resistance among employees and even reduced job satisfaction. Consider a new laptop that works completely differently than your old, familiar workstation. When something doesn't work as you would expect, it can cause a lot of hassle and frustration. A thoughtful and committed approach to change management is therefore essential to ensure that your investments actually contribute to the success of your organization and the well-being of your people. 

The benefits of change management consulting

  • Customized expertise: Our consultants bring extensive knowledge and experience, leading to better thought-out and effective change strategies. 
  • Reducing risks: Through a structured approach, we reduce the likelihood of errors and undesirable consequences during the change process. 
  • Increased acceptance: With a focused approach, we ensure that employees accept and embrace the changes faster. 
  • Cost savings: Effective change management minimizes disruptions and increases efficiency, resulting in lower costs. 
  • Sustainable result: We don't just focus on short-term successes, but ensure that the changes are permanently embedded in the organizational culture. 

Our approach

At Valid, we believe in a pragmatic and people-oriented approach, based on proven theories of change management. Our process always starts with a thorough analysis of your organization and the specific challenges you face. Based on this, we develop a strategy that fits your goals and organizational culture. We not only guide the strategic part, but are also closely involved in the execution and implementation.  

Our consultants ensure that there is clear communication at all levels of the organization, that employees are well supported and that there is continuous monitoring and adjustment where necessary. In this way we can guarantee that the change is not only implemented, but also successfully embedded in daily practice. Together we ensure that your organization is ready for change, now and in the future. With a strong focus on results and commitment. 

FAQ: frequently asked questions and answers about change management (consulting) 

What is the difference between change management and project management?
Change management focuses on the human aspect of change within an organization, such as guiding employees to accept and embrace new processes or systems. Project management, on the other hand, is more focused on the technical and organizational implementation of a specific project, such as planning, budgeting and execution. Both disciplines are essential for successful change implementation. 

Why is change management important?
Without effective change management, changes within an organization can lead to resistance, reduced productivity and even project failure. Change management ensures that employees are engaged and prepared, which significantly increases the likelihood of success and helps minimize disruptions. 

When should I start change management?
Change management should be integrated into the process as early as possible, ideally from the time a change is being considered. Early involvement helps identify potential obstacles and ensures there is a strategy to address them before the change is implemented. 

How long does a change management process take?
The duration of a change management process depends on the scope and complexity of the change. Some changes can be implemented within a few months, while larger transformations can take years. At Valid, we work closely with you to establish a realistic timetable that fits your specific situation. 

What are the biggest challenges in change management
The biggest challenges in change management are often employee resistance, lack of communication, and not adequately supporting employees during the transition. Lack of a dedicated budget is also something we often encounter in practice. Our approach focuses on proactively addressing these challenges through clear communication, employee involvement, and ongoing support. 

How can I measure change management progress?
We use "ADKAR measurements. ADKAR is a CM model we use in our approach and helps measure where employees are in their individual change process. 

What if the change is not successful?
One of the goals of change management is to minimize the risk of failure. If a change does not produce the desired results, it is important to quickly evaluate and learn from what happened. Based on this, we are always ready to make adjustments and offer alternative solutions, in order to still achieve the desired result. 

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