Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365, formerly known as Office 365, is the Microsoft platform for all productivity and collaboration tools and is an indispensable foundation for the modern workplace for virtually all organizations.


The Microsoft 365 platform enables companies and their employees to work from the cloud with the best Microsoft tools, keeping data always current and in sync.


This allows colleagues to work (together) securely and efficiently at any time and from any location.

Microsoft 365

Your trusted advisor and Microsoft 365 Partner

We know from experience how complex and challenging digital transformation can be for organizations. As a trusted advisor and service provider, we provide (managed) Azure services to help companies address these challenges and take the right steps to continue to grow as an organization.

Microsoft 365 is the most widely used platform worldwide for Office apps and collaboration and consists of a broad set of different apps, services and tools. These are available in various license forms. But what do you, as an organization and more importantly - what do your colleagues - need and don't need in order to work (collaborate) properly and productively?

This question is on the minds of many companies. That is why we have put together integral Modern Work propositions. With these you choose for an integral and solid package of services and support that best suits the needs of your company and colleagues. We ensure that you have the right tools, that everything is well organized and that your employees can focus on what is really important: the primary business processes and daily activities.

Valid Modern Work based on M365

Valid's Modern Work concept is a secure, automated and managed cloud platform based on Microsoft 365, supplemented by some value-added tools, with all the necessary things integrated end-to-end. The Modern Work platform is available from any mobile, fixed or virtual device and includes basic provision for digital identity and secure user authentication. The Microsoft Modern Work concept is based on the following features and principles:

  • Improved end-user experience and productivity.
  • Microsoft cloud-based management and intelligence.
  • Simplify IT management and operations.
  • Optimized for Microsoft 365 stack.
  • Fully integrated security and identity from Azure Active Directory.
  • Streamlined updates.
  • Solid protection through the Zero Trust Security Model.
  • Microsoft best practices.
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Valid - consultation workstations

Excellent end-user support

We provide standard end-user support for all services of the Valid Modern Work concept, in the form of a first-line Service Desk.

If applicable, it is negotiable to act only as a second-line Service Desk, as a solution group behind your own or the contracted Service Desk.

Your employees can use the service portal (SSP) provided by Valid for all regular matters. For key users and IT staff, a more comprehensive module of the self-service portal is available, providing additional functionality.

The benefits of Modern Work based on Microsoft 365

  • Work anywhere: employees expect to be able to work comfortably by default, anytime, anywhere and to have all the tools they need to do so. Valid's Modern Work concept meets that need.
  • Efficiency and maximum productivity: Modern Work boosts your team's productivity by providing flexibility and mobility. It streamlines processes and ensures constant accessibility to data and applications regardless of location.
  • Digital and secure collaboration from the cloud: with Modern Work, your colleagues always work securely and collaboratively on the latest version of a file and it is always possible to call each other directly with a secure (video) connection.
  • Security: the Modern Work platform is well secured throughout, and we are constantly looking for the right balance between security and flexibility for employees.
  • Performance, continuity and reliability: by choosing Modern Work based on Microsoft 365, you are choosing proven standards and a very solid platform as the basis for all your activities.

Microsoft Partner Designations

To provide our clients with the best solutions and services, we work closely with Microsoft. A reliable partner that assists us in choosing the best solutions for our clients' challenges. Not for nothing do we have five 'Microsoft partner designations'. This demonstrates that we meet Microsoft's strict guidelines and can offer our clients the best services and experience.

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Microsoft 365 solutions and services

Microsoft 365 tennant

A Microsoft 365 tenant is a specific instance of Microsoft 365 services and your organizational data stored in a specific default location, such as Europe or North America. Each Microsoft 365 tenant is separate, unique and distinct from all other Microsoft 365 tenants. Each Microsoft 365 tenant also contains a Microsoft Entra (formerly known as Active Directory) tenant, which is a special instance of Microsoft Entra ID for managing user accounts, groups and other objects. The tenant is the foundation on which all services are delivered for productivity, collaboration, performance, privacy, compliance and security.

Microsoft 365 Workloads & Apps

We offer a standard configuration to quickly get started with Microsoft 365. The corporate identity of the company (colors, logos and more) is used in for example login windows and the portals for branding and recognition of your organization. With the standard configuration you ensure that employees make optimal use of collaboration and productivity functionality of M365, while Valid keeps the environment secure and the users up-to-date.

Identity Foundation

The 'Identity' module provides a central system for the unambiguous entry and management of digital identities and the assignment of roles, functionalities and authorizations. This ensures unambiguous settings and management of identity and improved protection of accounts.

Backup for Microsoft 365

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 ensures reliability and compliance with regulatory requirements by backing up Microsoft 365 data to our specifically designed backup environment. (Un)desired deletion of identities, email, data, projects and chats is reduced by allowing flexible recovery.

Microsoft 365 XDR Suite

Modern Work requires modern security measures to keep users and data safe and secure. For this, we implement the Microsoft 365 XDR Suite (formerly called Microsoft Defender Suite) which consists of several modules.

Modern Work from Valid

Flexibility and security are at the heart of Modern Work. The line between work and home is blurring; work no longer has to take place in a fixed office location. Whether you're traveling, want to work on a presentation in the evening or stay home for any reason, you can always get on with your work. Employees expect a workplace that offers access to applications and data anytime, anywhere and with any device, without worrying about security.

We understand that the transition to a modern workplace can be challenging for businesses. With our Modern Work concept, with integrated service plans, we offer a full suite of tools and support. With all services integrated end-to-end and protected by a solid security layer. By using the Modern Work concept, you choose for proven standards and make optimal use of the possibilities that Microsoft 365 has to offer.



We continuously adapt our Modern Work concept to quickly respond to new developments and make optimal use of Microsoft innovations and developments. So you are always assured of the most modern solutions, so that your colleagues can work flexibly, safely and pleasantly.

Additional services

  • Microsoft 365 adoption
  • License advice
  • Migration to Microsoft 365
  • Support and manage on-prem Office environments, SharePoint, Exchange and/or file servers.
Want to learn more about Microsoft 365 and Modern Work?
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