Microsoft Azure

Azure is Microsoft' s public cloud platform and consists of a very wide range of products, services, tools and technologies that fully integrate with each other and form a robust whole. This makes it possible to develop, deploy and manage applications on a very solid and secure platform.


Microsoft Azure is the most widely used, trusted and extensive public cloud platform worldwide. When you choose Azure, you choose a proven standard as the basis for working in the cloud.

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Your trusted advisor and Microsoft Azure Partner

We know from experience how complex and challenging digital transformation can be for organizations. As a trusted advisor and service provider, we provide (managed) Azure services to help companies address these challenges and take the right steps to continue to grow as an organization.

Our solutions and services are designed to manage your organization's cloud infrastructure so that your colleagues can fully focus on primary activities.

In doing so, we work closely with your organization and colleagues to understand the business needs and, based on that, put together a cloud strategy that fully aligns with your strategic business objectives. We take over the management of your cloud environment(s) so you can maximize the benefits of cloud technology without worrying about the challenges involved.

Managed Cloud services based on Azure

With our managed cloud services based on Azure, you combine the best of both worlds. The advanced capabilities of public cloud and the knowledge, experience and personal service and support from a dedicated service provider.

You choose proven technology, standards and best practices as a very solid foundation for all your IT operations. Our goal is to help your company get the most out of its cloud strategy and investments to enable further scalable growth.

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The benefits of Microsoft Azure for businesses

  • Scalability and pay per use: With Azure, you have no (one-time) investments in hardware and you only pay for the resources you actually use. Scaling up and down is easy and fast. The risk of undercapacity and the high costs of overcapacity are a thing of the past.
  • Performance and availability: The Azure platform offers guaranteed high availability (+99.9% uptime) and very high performance to keep everything running flawlessly to best support primary operations.
  • Full cloud or seamless hybrid: With Azure, it is possible to work both fully in the cloud and hybrid. This allows you to take maximum advantage of the opportunities offered by public cloud and modernize your on-premises infrastructure.
  • Efficiency: Compared to a traditional on-premises infrastructure, setting up a server farm in Azure is incredibly fast. In addition, using Azure is cost-effective because you only pay for what you use and no longer have to invest (purchase cost, maintenance and support) in your own hardware.   
  • Security: Security and privacy are basic elements on which Azure is built. Therefore, security standards are incredibly high and you can rely on the most advanced technologies to build and keep your environment secure.
  • Continuity and reliability: With guaranteed high availability and all built-in security measures, Azure provides a highly reliable foundation for your organization. Built-in backup & disaster recovery functionality ensures that in case of problems or failures, you can quickly restore your business.

Microsoft Partner Designations

To provide our clients with the best solutions and services, we work closely with Microsoft. A reliable partner that assists us in choosing the best solutions for our clients' challenges. Not for nothing do we have five 'Microsoft partner designations'. This demonstrates that we meet Microsoft' s strict guidelines and can offer our clients the best services and experience.

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Microsoft Azure solutions and services

Azure Connectivity

Azure Connectivity is a set of services and features based on software-defined networking that allows you to connect, secure, monitor and enhance your Azure resources and applications. It allows you to build networking solutions while leveraging the benefits of the cloud.

Azure Landing Zones

With Azure Landing Zones, you leverage a basic setup and proven framework that can be used to migrate and manage applications and workloads to Azure. It's an ideal starting point for organizations looking to transition to the cloud, but it can make sense for companies that already have resources in Azure. Organizations using Azure Landing Zones can improve their cloud infrastructure by taking advantage of new and improved cloud features.

Microsoft Defender Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM).

CSPM provides detailed visibility into the security status of assets and workloads and provides guidance to efficiently and effectively improve your security status. Defender for Cloud continuously assesses cloud resources against the security standards defined for your Azure subscriptions. Defender for Cloud provides security recommendations based on these assessments.

Monitoring & Alerting

Monitoring and Alerting is a service that allows you to track the performance and availability of Azure resources within Azure Landing Zones. It allows you to react quickly to events that occur within your environment. Monitoring & Alerting also collects various information such as metrics and logs that provide more in-depth knowledge about your resources making future decision making easier.

Business Continuity

Business continuity in Azure helps you minimize the impact on your data and applications due to disruptions or disasters. Azure provides services and features that help you ensure that your business applications continue to run or can quickly resume, with minimal and acceptable data loss (RTO) and downtime (RPO).

Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

Within your Azure Landing Zones, you can build, deploy and manage resources and data in a secure and scalable environment. With Azure RBAC, you can implement a robust and secure access management strategy for your cloud environment and ensure that your Azure resources are protected from unwanted access.

Roadmap Alignment

Establishing a joint roadmap is important because it provides a shared view of IT infrastructure goals, needs and challenges. By defining the roadmap together, we work closely together to achieve the best results, avoid potential problems or redundancies, and optimize the use of resources and capacity. A well-aligned roadmap also simplifies the management and maintenance of the IT infrastructure because we can anticipate your needs and requirements and you can rely on our expertise and reliability.

Platform Lifecycle Management

Azure platform life cycle management is a set of methods and practices that help improve the value and performance of your Azure resources throughout their life cycle. It allows you to (re)align your cloud strategy with your business objectives, ensure that the cloud environment meets the highest criteria of security, governance and compliance, in addition to effectively and efficiently tracking and managing the health and performance of your Azure resources.

Workload Optimization

Azure workload optimization is the process of improving the performance, efficiency and reliability of workloads by analyzing resource utilization and configuration, and applying best practices and recommendations from Azure Advisor. Azure workload optimization includes tasks such as adjusting underutilized or overutilized resources, enabling high availability and disaster recovery features, configuring security and identity policies, and optimizing cost and governance.

Design & Build

The design and build process for Azure solutions is based on CAF (Cloud Adoption Framework) and WAF (Well Architected Framework), which provide best practices and guidelines for cloud adoption and optimization. The CAF follows a process-oriented approach and consists of six steps: define, plan, prepare, adopt, govern and manage. The WAF follows a solution-oriented approach and has five principles: cost optimization, operational excellence, performance efficiency, reliability and security.


With Azure Reporting, you can view and analyze metrics and log analytics data. You can use tools such as Azure workbooks, Azure dashboards, Grafana and Power BI to create visualizations. These help you investigate problems, find patterns and show how your Azure resources are performing.

Azure Lighthouse

With Azure Lighthouse, multiple Azure subscriptions and tenants can be managed from a single environment.

Cloud Security Benchmark

The cloud offers many advantages such as scalability, flexibility and mobility. At the same time, cloud computing makes organizations vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which are therefore increasingly common and successful. High time to increase your resilience and turn threat into opportunity. Do you know the status of your cloud security? Where do you score well, where is there room for improvement?

The Cloud Security Benchmark is a cost-effective way to find the answers to these questions. The benchmark helps identify vulnerabilities and provides insights to fix them.

So it is an objective method of assessing your security status, mitigating risk and laying a solid foundation for an effective security strategy. You get a grip on security and that gives peace of mind because you can trust your IT systems.

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Microsoft Azure Consultancy

To help companies get the most out of Azure, we offer comprehensive consulting services. Our experts guide organizations through every step of their cloud journey, from initial assessment and strategy development to implementation and ongoing optimization of Azure solutions. Whether you want to migrate your existing infrastructure to the cloud, set up a hybrid environment or take advantage of advanced Azure services such as AI and machine learning, we have the knowledge and experience to support you.

With a focus on security, scalability and cost efficiency, we ensure that your cloud environment is fully tailored to your organization's specific needs. We also provide guidance on compliance requirements and implementation of best practices, so you can operate with confidence in a secure and regulated environment.

Azure Support

Our comprehensive service offerings are designed to improve your organization's efficiency, security and productivity. Therefore, our support services are built around the service offerings we have designed and deliver to support businesses of all sizes. As part of our Managed Services proposition, Valid provides a dedicated team of level 2 and level 3 cloud engineers to complement our 24/7 service desk. For each managed cloud environment, Valid offers Azure Managed Cloud basic services, which complement and are tailored to the specific Azure managed cloud service you purchase. This service consists of the following components:

  • Designated team of a Service Delivery Manager and (Cloud) Engineer to complement our 24/7 ServiceDesk of Level 2 and Level 3 cloud engineers, depending on the service used;
  • Architectural and operational guidance;
  • Escalation management;
  • Liaises with Valid and client technical teams on high risk changes/projects;
  • SLA reporting

Challenges in the journey to the cloud

We understand that the journey to the cloud and/or continued cloud adoption can be a major challenge for businesses. With our integrated Azure service plans, we combine excellent service and support based on proven standards and innovation by following Microsoft's roadmap.

With this, you choose a very solid foundation of services that covers everything from infrastructure design, build, deploy and managed management to advanced cloud services. This allows your organization to take full advantage of the power and flexibility of Microsoft Azure for scalable, secure and reliable cloud solutions.


We continuously adapt our services and solutions to quickly respond to new developments and changing customer needs by implementing new features and capabilities in Azure. Our Azure services are flexible to adapt to new challenges to keep your colleagues productive, connected and secure.

Want to learn more about Microsoft Azure and our services?
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