Valid Change Spiral

Change is done to achieve a goal. For example, working more efficiently, complying with regulations or because the change is in line with a long-term vision.

Achieving these goals requires more than putting down a "solution. Be it a new policy, process or system. In many cases, a new solution actually changes the way people are used to working. And why would people change the way they work if they don't know what it will achieve or are not being helped properly?

With effective change management, you help employees embrace a new way of working. For this purpose, we have developed the Valid Change Spiral. A model that takes you through the three phases of change management.

What makes the Valid Change Spiral unique?

  • Pragmatic but based on scientific insights and models.
    We use a proven, structured method as a guide (Prosci). The interpretation of plans and activities depends on your organization and goals. 
  • Focus on the emotional impact of change. Attention to impact in addition to attention to content is a prerequisite for successful change and adoption.  
  • Sustainable (behavioral) change
    We advise on ways to achieve sustainable (behavioral) change and thus properly integrate the change into daily operations. 

Awareness - Desire - Knowledge - Ability - Reinforcement

The ADKAR model is central to our approach. This is a simple and people-oriented model that tells you exactly which building blocks to develop in what order to facilitate individual change. 

  • Awareness - Awareness about the need to change 
  • Desire - The will to support change. 
  • Knowledge - knowledge about how to change 
  • Ability - The ability to put the required skills or behavior into practice 
  • Reinforcement - Reinforcement to sustain change 

Phase 1: Prepare

Starting from a clear success definition and concrete change goals, together we map the impact of the change and identify the key stakeholders and change agents in your organization, such as sponsors, managers and ambassadors. We investigate where possible resistance may arise and analyze the degree of change readiness of the organization. From these insights follows a strategy to properly include people in a change process. 


Phase 2: Manage

Now that the direction is set, concrete change, communication and training plans are created and implemented. These are aimed at helping people go through their personal change process as smoothly as possible (ADKAR). A change manager works with internal change agents on effective communication, coaching, resistance management and on actively promoting the change. By measuring and monitoring progress, plans are adjusted flexibly to achieve optimal results. 

Phase 3: Sustain

In this final phase, the focus is on the long term and we ensure that the change becomes a sustainable part of the organization. After all, a change does not end after a training or go-live, but when the new way of working is the new normal. Together, we carefully evaluate the results and the approach, so that the current change can be integrated into daily practice and your organization becomes ever better and more agile in addressing subsequent challenges. 

Valid Change Spiral Final

Curious about the Valid Change Spiral?

Through our years of experience and theoretical knowledge, we have helped many organizations with change management. Wondering how we can support your organization? Please feel free to contact one of our experts or read more about change management in our blogs.

Some of the clients we have successfully guided through change:


From knowledge and experience, Valid helped to further develop the Scrum teams" - Joost Huurman, R&D Director and Program Manager Phoenix, CBS

Ambulance Care Limburg
AmbulanceZorg Limburg

"In this kind of complex process, it is important to be able to trust that we are still in control." Michel van Zundert, Information Manager of Ambulance Care Limburg


"Many compliments for the way the project went and for the final result." Patrick van Weert, Senior IT Supervisor Medtronic


"Because of the open way of communicating and the thorough content coordination with Valid, we had every confidence in the migration." - Edward Heijkers, Director of IT AZL